Monday, December 14, 2009

Assignment #7: "Reflective Cover Letter" (first draft)

The papers I am including in my portfolio is the news story, the application essay, the trend essay and proposal essay.

I am including the news story in my portfolio because personally I feel that that was my best piece. I think I did a good job interviewing the person on the subject I was talking about and got a lot of information. I also liked how I incorporated the interview into my piece. I am using the application essay for one of my portfolio pieces because I think it came out good because I was talking about a subject that interested me. I think I did a good job of talking about what the prompt was asking. I discussed in great detail why I was interested in that major and some of the experiences I have had in the subject. I also talked a little bit about why I thought picking that school would be the best choice. The third piece I am choosing for my portfolio is the trend essay. The trend I choose for the essay was something I am interested in. I knew I was going to do the essay on the subject right away. I feel that the trend I choose was a very popular trend and it shows in the graph I provided. I think I gave good cause and effects of divorce, the trend I chose. The fourth essay I chose for my portfolio is the proposal essay. I chose this as one of the portfolio pieces because the subject was something I felt strongly about. I talked about something that I could relate to. I also think my solution to the problem is a realistic solution and could solve some of the problem.

The news story assignment called for writing a story on a local newsworthy subject. We were asked to talk, in detail, about the story and interview one person who is directly involved in the story. The application essay called for choosing a prompt from a college website and addressing what it is asking you. When writing this essay we had to give evidence that we understood what was being asked and to have an understanding of who we were addressing this to. The trend essay called for writing about a trend. We had to use at least two scholory articles to provide evidence. Also, talk about the causes and effects of the trend. The proposal essay called for addressing a problem in your community or at the college. We were asked to state the problem clearly and propose a possible solution to the problem. Also, use one source from online or a newspaper.

Some changes I made in the news story piece was coming up with a conclusion. I did not have a conclusion on my first draft but after giving it some thought I was able to come up with a good one. I also chose a name of a newspaper and a headline. For the application essay I made a few changes. For example, in the first draft I didn't mention the name of the school. But in the second draft I talked a little bit about why I chose that school and why I thought I was going to get the best education there. For the trend essay my partner suggested was making the causes and effects a little bit clearer. I can see how a reader might not think I had the causes and effects. She also suggested I could talk about when divorce rate peaked. Also what effects does my trend, divorce, have not someone's self esteem. Some changes I made to the proposal essay is making it clearer what the problem I was talking about was. I was talking about how waiting in line to get books took a long time but in my paper I stated that the cost of books is very high.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Assignment #6: "Trend essay" (first draft)

Take a second to think about how many people you know who have been through a divorce. I'm willing to bet that everybody at least knows one person who has gotten a divorce. Divorce seems so common now a days. Usually when I hear that somebody is getting married, I don't think about if it will last, I think about how long it will last. Why has the divorce rate increased? Why has it become such a trend?

“According to the current divorce rate statistics, 50% of marriages end in divorce.” Divorce rate in America after the first marriage is from 41% to 50%. Divorce rate after the second marriage is from 60% to 67%. The divorce rate actually goes about from the first marriage to the second marriage. It only rises higher after the third marriage were 73% to 74% of marriages end in divorce. American marriages also last longer if the women grew up with both parents: “White women who were raised by a two-parent family have a 29 percent chance that their marriage will end after 10 years of marriage. But a white women who was raised without an intact family has a 41 percent chance that her marriage will end in the same period” (Bramlett and Mosher). Black women who grew up with both parents in the household decreases the chances that the women will get a divorce.

Statistics show that it is very common for couples without children to get a divorce: “Sociologists believe that childlessness is also a common cause of divorce. The absence of children leads to loneliness and weariness and even in the United States, at least 66 percent of all divorced couples are childless.”

Kids seem to keep a marriage intact. More often then not couples are less likely to divorce if they have children: “Which is particularly interesting because study show that happiness in a marriage decreases once children are born” (Faust). But having children is no reason to stay in a marriage. Sometimes in order to fix a marriage, people have children. Divorce on children often has a negative effect: “Adjustment to the changes in the family is affected by the degree to which parents are able to continue positive relationship with their children despite conflict with the other parent” (Raab). After a divorce, one of the worst things you could do is ask children to carry information between parents. Don't get the children involved with your arguments and problems: "The lesson here is simple. Destructive comments about your ex can impact your children in many negative ways. It creats anxiety and insecurity. It raises their level of fear. It makes them question how much they can trust you and your opinions --or trust themselves. And it adds a level of unhappiness into their lives that they do not need...or deserve" (Sedacca). Also tell your child or children that it is not your fault. So many young kids come to the conclusion that their parents splitting up is their fault.

The financial troubles in American are causing rifts in people's marriages. More so then usual. Financial issues have been a top cause for divorce for a while now. But many people are losing their jobs and are having trouble brining in money and it is causing marriages to become strained:

“The need of the hour is for the couples who think that
credit crunch is making their life worse , money worries
is causing more clash , and the only thing that can rescue
them is a divorce! Unfortunately that's really not the wise
way out, in fact divorce can provoke much more financial
qualms and it's not at all an easy ride! A bad economy got
its pro's and cons on marriages. What actually determines
the chance of a marriage's triumph is the determination and
strength of will of the people involved in it!" (Kalid).

So even though people are having trouble in their marriages they can't afford to get a divorce. Many people are staying together because they don't have the money to go through a long divorce or pay child support. In many cases it is just easier to stay together.

Divorce affects everyone. It effects the couple and their relationships in the future. And it especially effects the children. Although staying in an unhappy marriage for your kids is never good, its just as bad seperating the kids from one of their parents.

"After Divorce: Bashing Your Ex Is Bad News For Your Children." 29 Nov. 2009. General OneFile. Web. 7 Dec. 2009. .

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Assignment #5: "Proposal" (second draft)

Starting a new year at Bristol Community College, especially your first year, is always stressful. Between signing up for classes and finding your way around the campus you also have to remember to get your books. I think that if the school got more registers to check out our books at that the line will go much faster.

Like most freshmen starting their first year of college I thought that buying books wont be such a big deal. But it is. After you get your schedule you need to head on over to the bookstore. The line to the bookstore is extremely long; so long that it cost me my first day of classes because I had to wait around so long. A lot of people have to wait in the line for well over and hour, then once you get into the bookstore, which is very crowded and small, you need to wait for someone to take your schedule and find your books. Unfortunately sometimes they don't have the book your looking for. Finally you get up to one of the five cash registers and computers. They ring up your books and your able to pay. How much money? Depends on the book. But even the sixty dollar book is still a lot of money for those who have to pay for it with their own money. But if you're like me then thats probably not the last time you'll be in the bookstore. If you drop out of the class, add a class, or need to go back for the book they didn't have last time, you'll need to stand in that long line again. It's not until a few weeks into classes that the line to the bookstore gets smaller and bearable to wait in.

But should we really have to wait in this long line just to get a couple overpriced books that we will probably only use for one semester? There may be a solution to this problem though. I also think another problem is how the bookstore staff go about helping people find their books. Perhaps there could be a separate line for people waiting for someone to find their books and then another line for paying for our books. A more permanent solution could be for the school to make their bookstore bigger so it doesn't feel so crowded and people could go about finding their own books. That would of course cost a lot more money then it would be if they just bought a few more computers and hired a couple more people.

There has to be a more organized and less stressful way to go about buying our books. Beginning a new school year is tough enough without having to worry about finding the time to buy your books.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Assignment #5: "Proposal" (first draft)

Starting a new year at Bristol Community College, especially your first year, is always stressful. Between signing up for classes and finding your way around the campus you also have to remember to get your books.

Like most freshmen starting their first year of college they assume that buying their books wont be such a big deal. But it is. After you get your schedule you need to head on over to the bookstore. The line to the bookstore is extremely long. So long that it cost me my first day of classes because I had to wait around so long. A lot of people have to wait in the line for well over and hour. Once you get into the bookstore, which is very crowded and small, you need to wait for someone to take your schedule and find your books. Unfortunately sometimes they don't have the book your looking for. Finally you get up to one of the five cash registers and computers. They ring up your books and your able to pay. But if you're like me then thats probably not the last time you'll be in the bookstore. If you drop out of the class, add a class, or need to go back for the book they didn't have last time, you'll need to stand in that long line again. It's not until a few weeks into classes that the line to the bookstore gets smaller and bearable to wait in.

But should we really have to wait in this long line just to get a couple overpriced books that we'll probably only use for one semester? There may be a solution to this problem though. I think that if the school got more registers to check out our books at that the line will go faster. I also think another problem is how the bookstore staff go about helping people find their books. Perhaps there could be a separate line for people waiting for someone to find their books and then another line for paying for our books. A more permanent solution could be for the school to make their bookstore bigger so it doesn't feel so crowded and people could go about finding their own books. That would of course cost a lot more money then it would be if they just bought a few more computers and hired a couple more people.

There has to be a more organized and less stressful way to go about buying our books. Beginning a new school year is tough enough without having to worry about finding the time to buy your books.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Assignment #4: "News Story" (second draft)

Are you getting the H1N1 vaccine? If your like me and a little concerned with getting a brand new vaccine injected into you, you should know that it is completely safe. Or so they say.

Should you get the vaccine? “Definitely,” Eleanor Hynes, the assistant town nurse says. “I think it is important for mothers to have their kids get the shots and pregnant women as well.” It seems like those two groups need the vaccine the most. “Pregnant women and young kids are dying from this flu.” Nobody knows for sure why pregnant women are dying from the illness but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have a theory that its because the baby is pressing on the mothers lungs. And also they think its because the baby and mother are sharing the same immune system. “I feel very strongly that those target groups, people under 24 and pregnant women should definitely get the shot,” Hynes says. They also have a theory as to why young children are targets for the swine flu. Its because kids have never been subjected to any types of the flu. They have no immunity to the virus and their immune systems are sharp so it over reacts to the virus. Even though there are many people skeptical about getting the vaccine she says that the H1N1 shots are made the same way as the seasonal flu shot and insists that it wont hurt anyone. But if your planning on getting one you need to get on the list. Children and pregnant women get first priority on the new vaccine. Elderly people may have to wait for their swine flu shots. There is only a limited amount of H1N1 vaccines available at this time. Last week a clinic was held at the Somerset High School so the teachers could get their shots since there around kids all day.

People can contact their doctor or town nurse's office for more information regarding the vaccine. We can all stay healthy this winter by taking care of ourselves, eating healthy and getting plenty of rest.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Assignment #4: "News Story" (first draft)

Are you getting the H1N1 vaccine? If your like me and a little concerned with getting a brand new vaccine injected into you, you should know that it is completely safe. Or so they say.

Should you get the vaccine? “Definitely,” Eleanor Hynes, the assistant town nurse says.

“I think it is important for mothers to have their kids get the shots and pregnant women as well.” It seems like those two groups need the vaccine the most. “Pregnant women and young kids are dying from this flu.” Nobody knows for sure why pregnant women are dying from the illness but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have a theory that its because the baby is pressing on the mothers lungs. And also they think its because the baby and mother are sharing the same immune system.

“I feel very strongly that those target groups, people under 24 and pregnant women should definitely get the shot,” Hynes says.

They also have a theory as to why young children are targets for the swine flu. Its because kids have never been subjected to any types of the flu. They have no immunity to the virus and their immune systems are sharp so it over reacts to the virus.

Even though there are many people skeptical about getting the vaccine she says that the H1N1 shots are made the same way as the seasonal flu shot and insists that it wont hurt anyone. But if your planning on getting one you need to get on the list. Children and pregnant women get first dibs on the new vaccine. Elderly people may have to wait for their swine flu shots. There is only a limited amount of H1N1 vaccines available at this time. Last week a clinic was held at the Somerset High School so the teachers could get their shots since there around kids all day.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Assignment #3: "Application Essay" (second draft)

I am very interested in Film. I have been interested in that major for quite some time now. The idea of working in the film industry and creating something for people to enjoy has always intrigued me.

Like I said I have been interested in film for a long time. I have always been a big fan of movies. From a young age my father had me watching all different types of movies. Before DVD's became popular we had an entire wall in our basement devoted to VHS videos. The shelves were stacked with every kind of movie you could think of: horror, romance, adventure, comedy; I loved them all. When I was younger my friend, brother and I would make movies using an old video camera. We always had a good time making them and loved showing our mothers the end product. For the past couple of years I have been using a program on my computer that allows me to create and edit videos. Thats when I realized I wanted to major in film and become a director someday. I am currently taking a film class here at Bristol Community College. I am enjoying the class and learning lots of new things.

Most aspiring film directors have to start at the bottom of the barrel and work there way up and I know its not an easy thing but I am really committed to trying to succeed in this business. I think the perfect place to start would be at the University of California. Film making is a lot of work but in the end you have something to show for all that hard work. And having something to show for all the time and energy you put into creating something is probably the most rewarding part of being a filmmaker.